Burak Murat Opçin

Hello, I am Burak Murat Opçin. I was born in 1994. I graduated from Istanbul Yeni Yüzyıl University Graphic Design Department. I've been interested in drawing and cartoons since I was little. With the 3D animation films I watched, I became interested in 3D animation. I decided to develop myself in this field and wanted to take part in the sector, but I didn't know how and where to start. I started to search for places where I could get a professional education. I went to Anima Okul and after the interview I started to study Modeling and Render at Anima Okul. I had a pleasant and productive training process with our instructors Beril Öztürk and Demircan Taş. After the lectures in the theoretical and practical fields I received from our instructors, they gave me homework feedbacks and this really helped for preparing my portfolio. I am currently setting up a portfolio of works I have done during this training process. My goal is to constantly update and improve myself and find a place as a successful character artist in this sector