Barış Özgüz

Hi, I am Barış. I was born in 1993. I am currently studying Hotel Management at Özyeğin University, and I’ve worked at many restaurants as a chef.

I’ve always thought that if you love a certain profession, success is inevitable. Ironically I wasn’t doing the job I was dreaming of. With the arrival of my first computer in 2001, my interest in the 3D world began to increase. As I got older, I began to admire the creation process of games and animation, and the effort and technology behind it.

I decided to quit my job and to head towards the area I dearly loved. As a result of various researches and recommendations, I found out Anima School, and I began to take modeling and rendering course there. During our course, our lecturers helped us a lot, and met our expectations. For the first time in my life, I truly got joy from learning.

As for now I’m working freelance, and I’m 3D modeling and rendering concept drawings without any charge. My goal is to improve myself as an environmental artist or as a level designer, and to start working at a game production agency.

I know I am a few steps closer to reach my goal, and I want to thank Demircan Taş for expanding my horizon, to thank Sarp Pekün for answering all of my questions, and to thank Sezgin Öztürk for always keeping contact with me.